I hate having to post stuff like this, but sadly it’s necessary.
For the second time in just over a week my first job after a bank holiday is getting the zipwire in Minera play area put back in use. Someone thinks it’s amusing to disable it, and at around £100 per callout, presumably also thinks it’s amusing to cost every council tax payer in Minera around 20p every time we have to sort it out.
20p might not sound much, but £100 is – and coincidentally that’s near enough the same amount each Minera council tax payer has had spent on their behalf in the restoration, inspection and repair of our playgrounds in the last 4 years since I become Clerk.
If you might know who is behind this, please have a word. North Wales Police are looking out for us, and will deal with anyone they find damaging this or any other of our public assets.