Young people from the local community had a great day today, trying their hand at spray painting under the expert tuition of renowned North Wales graffiti artist Andy Birch.
As we have proclaimed previously on this site, Coedpoeth United have worked wonders to bring the football field back into use, and now, thanks to a grant which Wrexham Council helped to source, and donations from Minera Community Council, North Wales Police and Community Trust and the High Sheriffs’ Crimebeat charity, the old shipping container at the side of the pitch is once more back in use as a changing facility for players….and as of today looks amazingly and eye-catchingly smart.
The container will soon play a second role when Wrexham Council Youth Service and Minera Community Council will combine to re-launch Minera Youth Club, with activities based around the newly-refurbished facility.
There will be some official photographs to share in due course, but for the time being, here are some views of the container after today’s event. They don’t do justice to just how good it looks close up. Well done everyone involved!