During the COVID Pandemic the footpaths around Minera became increasingly used particularly in the area around the quarry. Minera Community Council therefore decided formally to revive the Minera Community Council Footpaths Committee to walk round and check the rights of way and permissive paths in our community, notify Wrexham County Borough of any issues needing their attention and highlight any items of interest to the community. We will also liaise with other relevant bodies such as North Wales Wildlife Trust, Minera Quarry Trust and Ramblers Cymru .
Ramblers Cymru has recently completed their “Paths to Wellbeing “project which is a key driver for their vision to put walking at the heart of communities across Wales. Working with their partners , local authorities, Woodland Trust and Wildlife Trusts Wales to create a national framework for this volunteer driven activity. Wrexham was one of these areas and the Clywedog valley has several pathways included as part of the project which are shown on the leaflet which can be downloaded.
All the public rights of way in Minera and the rest of Wrexham are shown on the Definitive Map which is maintained by the Council, if there are any matters which you wish to be reported please contact us by email mineracc@googlemail.com. Please quote the path reference number and give a location details.