Minera News

Defibrillator training

We have organised training sessions to help people know how to use the new Gwynfryn defibrillator (or indeed any defibrillator!) in an emergency. The sessions last for 90 minutes and are limited to...

Gwynfryn has its defibrillator

I'm delighted to report that the defibrillator cabinet in Gwynfryn now contains a working device. This is the first unit we have installed in the Minera ward, and we plan to install one in each of...

Platinum Jubilee

Councillors and myself have been busy hanging bunting and plaques around our 5 communities ahead of the official national celebrations at the end of this week. We hope that residents will appreciate...

Defibrillators on the way!

Earlier this year we were awarded a free defibrillator under a scheme sponsored by the Welsh Government. As our part of the arrangement, we have to install a heated cabinet and organise training...

Councillor John Edwards

Minera Community Council is deeply saddened to confirm to residents of the Minera Ward the death on Friday 25 March of our Chair, Councillor John Edwards. All Councillors, the Clerk and the Community...

Councillor Wyn Blaze

We were deeply shocked and saddened on 17 March to learn of the death of our long-standing Councillor and colleague Wyn Blaze. Our deepest sympathies are extended to Wyn's wife Pam, their family and...